render: function () { var todos = this.getFilteredTodos(); $('#todo-list').html(this.todoTemplate(todos)); $('#main').toggle(todos.length > 0); $('#toggle-all').prop('checked', this.getActiveTodos().length === 0); this.renderFooter(); $('#new-todo').focus();'todos-jquery', this.todos); }
We can add comments to group these lines by functionality:
render: function () { // get data var todos = this.getFilteredTodos(); // update the view $('#todo-list').html(this.todoTemplate(todos)); $('#main').toggle(todos.length > 0); $('#toggle-all').prop('checked', this.getActiveTodos().length === 0); this.renderFooter(); $('#new-todo').focus(); // save data'todos-jquery', this.todos); }
So to clean up the render method, we can move the call to into its own method simply named save.
save: function() {'todos-jquery', this.todos); }
Then, everywhere where we call render in the app, we can follow it with a call to save. The intention here is to make for more readable and honest code.
Here's a look at the commit that shows the difference between the old app.js file and the new one: See commit
The full code is below.
/*global jQuery, Handlebars, Router */ jQuery(function ($) { 'use strict'; Handlebars.registerHelper('eq', function (a, b, options) { return a === b ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this); }); var ENTER_KEY = 13; var ESCAPE_KEY = 27; var util = { uuid: function () { /*jshint bitwise:false */ var i, random; var uuid = ''; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { random = Math.random() * 16 | 0; if (i === 8 || i === 12 || i === 16 || i === 20) { uuid += '-'; } uuid += (i === 12 ? 4 : (i === 16 ? (random & 3 | 8) : random)).toString(16); } return uuid; }, pluralize: function (count, word) { return count === 1 ? word : word + 's'; }, store: function (namespace, data) { if (arguments.length > 1) { return localStorage.setItem(namespace, JSON.stringify(data)); } else { var store = localStorage.getItem(namespace); return (store && JSON.parse(store)) || []; } } }; var App = { init: function () { this.todos ='todos-jquery'); this.todoTemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#todo-template').html()); this.footerTemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#footer-template').html()); this.bindEvents(); new Router({ '/:filter': function (filter) { this.filter = filter; this.render(); }.bind(this) }).init('/all'); }, bindEvents: function () { $('#new-todo').on('keyup', this.create.bind(this)); $('#toggle-all').on('change', this.toggleAll.bind(this)); $('#footer').on('click', '#clear-completed', this.destroyCompleted.bind(this)); $('#todo-list') .on('change', '.toggle', this.toggle.bind(this)) .on('dblclick', 'label', this.edit.bind(this)) .on('keyup', '.edit', this.editKeyup.bind(this)) .on('focusout', '.edit', this.update.bind(this)) .on('click', '.destroy', this.destroy.bind(this)); }, render: function () { // get data var todos = this.getFilteredTodos(); // update the view $('#todo-list').html(this.todoTemplate(todos)); $('#main').toggle(todos.length > 0); $('#toggle-all').prop('checked', this.getActiveTodos().length === 0); this.renderFooter(); $('#new-todo').focus(); }, save: function() {'todos-jquery', this.todos); }, renderFooter: function () { var todoCount = this.todos.length; var activeTodoCount = this.getActiveTodos().length; var template = this.footerTemplate({ activeTodoCount: activeTodoCount, activeTodoWord: util.pluralize(activeTodoCount, 'item'), completedTodos: todoCount - activeTodoCount, filter: this.filter }); $('#footer').toggle(todoCount > 0).html(template); }, toggleAll: function (e) { var isChecked = $('checked'); this.todos.forEach(function (todo) { todo.completed = isChecked; }); this.render();; }, getActiveTodos: function () { return this.todos.filter(function (todo) { return !todo.completed; }); }, getCompletedTodos: function () { return this.todos.filter(function (todo) { return todo.completed; }); }, getFilteredTodos: function () { if (this.filter === 'active') { return this.getActiveTodos(); } if (this.filter === 'completed') { return this.getCompletedTodos(); } return this.todos; }, destroyCompleted: function () { this.todos = this.getActiveTodos(); this.filter = 'all'; this.render();; }, // accepts an element from inside the `.item` div and // returns the corresponding index in the `todos` array indexFromEl: function (el) { var id = $(el).closest('li').data('id'); var todos = this.todos; var i = todos.length; while (i--) { if (todos[i].id === id) { return i; } } }, create: function (e) { var $input = $(; var val = $input.val().trim(); if (e.which !== ENTER_KEY || !val) { return; } this.todos.push({ id: util.uuid(), title: val, completed: false }); $input.val(''); this.render();; }, toggle: function (e) { var i = this.indexFromEl(; this.todos[i].completed = !this.todos[i].completed; this.render();; }, edit: function (e) { var $input = $('li').addClass('editing').find('.edit'); $input.val($input.val()).focus(); }, editKeyup: function (e) { if (e.which === ENTER_KEY) {; } if (e.which === ESCAPE_KEY) { $('abort', true).blur(); } }, update: function (e) { var el =; var $el = $(el); var val = $el.val().trim(); if (!val) { this.destroy(e); return; } if ($'abort')) { $'abort', false); } else { this.todos[this.indexFromEl(el)].title = val; } this.render();; }, destroy: function (e) { this.todos.splice(this.indexFromEl(, 1); this.render();; } }; App.init(); });