Jacob Ruiz

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This little blog now has readers in over 50 countries. Just wanted to say thanks.

I've been growing this site day by day since March 2017. In just 5 months it's been amazing to see the response of people visiting the site, reading and sharing articles, and contacting me personally. Now this little blog has readers from 51 countries and counting.

I believe strongly that creativity cannot happen in a vacuum, and that the internet provides an incredible opportunity for ideas to flourish and propagate unhindered by physical location, cultural barriers, and national borders. 

As I type this post on a rainy day in Yangon, it's amazing to think about the growth I've experienced this year both creatively and personally. As a freelance designer, I'm finding that my creative barriers continue to fall away the more I step out of my comfort zone and live life as fearlessly as I can, using every new experience as a learning opportunity.

I'm committed to continue finding ways to deliver value through the skills I've worked hard to develop, and to making that value easily accessible online for others to share and reciprocate. It's been incredible to talk to people from so many different places around the world simply because we share a passion for creating things. Collaboration is the only way forward and I'm excited to continue to deliver value in as many ways as I know how.

- Jacob